Eastrera Map

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Wallet Balances

SOL Logo SOL: 0.000000
USDC Logo USDC: $0.000000
USDT Logo USDT: $0.000000

Crypto Prices

SOL Logo SOL: $0.00
USDC Logo USDC: $0.000000
USDT Logo USDT: $0.000000
FESTIA Logo FESTIA: $0.00 * 10^0

#1. The Stolen Map

Objective: Recover a stolen map fragment hidden in the town by a notorious pirate.

#2. The Wall of Secrets

Objective: Decipher the ancient carvings on the fortress walls to reveal a hidden chamber

#3. The Path to Romir’s Fortress

Objective: Navigate the Mausoleum’s trials and earn passage to Romir’s Fortress, where the treasure’s guardian resides.